Sumo Bots

We built three robots for the upcoming Sumo Bot contest.  Two were the Pololu Zumo kit and one from Parallax.  Other than wheels and a paint job there haven’t been many mods that have stuck.

We experimented using an Intel Edison board to control the Pololu Zumo but library compatibility problems with the sensors had us switch back to the Arduino Uno.  There are some blogs that the Arduino 101 works with the Pololu but we didn’t have any luck with it.

We also built a Arduino shield compatible board from an Adafruit Trinket Pro.  The thinking was the extra space we could fit a small OLED and a Ultrasonic sensor.  After some more research it seems that the Zumo shield doesn’t leave enough pins on the Trinket to add the SPI-based OLED we had.  Future work might included trying a I2C-based display and borrowing some pins from the buzzer or other features.

There is still some debugging of the code to improve the search algorithm. Wish us luck.

About the Author

Jeff Casazza