Water Meter 1.1

There was an Arduino Yun sitting around that needed a home so we adapted our water meter to this powerful little network board.  It’s unfortunatel that the Yun is discontinued as it’s really a good fit for this type of project.  It can be powered from ethernet, PoE.  And being able to get to the water meter datalog from over the network is extremely useful.  If that wasn’t enough the secondary processor can run Python which allows it to better parse the water data for easy viewing.  The case is pretty ugly relative to the rounded corner case used before, but it’s functional.

Besides the networking and python addtions, a key improvement was with the display.  The previous version was static and “burned” into the OLED screen. This version stripes the information to just the current meter reading and moves the number around the screen in a screen saving like motion.


About the Author

Jeff Casazza