URC#1 – Sumo Bot Contest

The first SumoBot contest was held over the weekend, aka URC#1 (ulitmate robot championship).  It was a strong showing from Team Half Moon Bay which had only one loss all day and won the tournament.  Much was learned by the contestants which promises to make an even more competitive event in July.

Thanks for those that stopped by, spread the word and hope to see your bots at the July event!

Round #1








Examples of kits available, some also require Arduino board ~$35

Rules for the next tournament are not yet finalized and will be based on these: robotchallenge.org

  • The contest will be mini sumo class, W:10cm x L:10cm, 500g
  • Additional weight classes may be added, please contact us if you have interest

For more information of other Sumo contests.

About the Author

Jeff Casazza