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Poppy Ergo Jr with Wii Nunchuck Control

Using the work from  and an Gikfun I2C Wii adapter purchased on Amazon, we hooked up a Wii nunchuck controller to the OpenCM controller our robot arm.  It was surprisingly easy. We programmed the OpenCM controller to use the two buttons on the back to cycle through the different servos, the LEDs switch to show…read more

AX-12A Robotic Arm

We’re building a robotic arm based off a project on thingiverse.  We don’t have the Dynamixel AX-12A servos right now, so we printed some dummies to test out the assembly. 3D printed frame parts 6  Dynamixel AX-12A cables ArbotiX-M controller board CM-700 and compatible battery OpenCM9.04c compatible battery and power adapter 35x52mm bearing and washer…read more

Darwin Mini

Robotics Darwin Mini kit available on Robotics website  


Lampshade based on open source Poppy Ergo Jr 6x Dynamixel XL320 3D printed brackets OLLO rivets dynamixel USB adapter dynamixel power adapter dynamixel cables power supply  

Printable Humanoid

Thingiverse had plans for a humanoid robot 3D printed parts 18x Dynamixel AX-12A Dynamixel cables lots of screws CM-500 from Robotis feet  from Robotis chest from Robotis The way we got interested in the humanoid robot is by looking at the humanoid robot soccer game, and surprisingly it was not used by a remote it was…read more


The dream was to build Johnny #5 from the movie short circuit to go trick-or-treating with us.  However we’ll be happy with a smaller version.  First step was to find a wheeled base.  We looked a snowblower tracks but they were pretty big and expensive.  We found a fun little robot from Pololu that showed…read more


The 4WD was kind of hard to turn since all four wheels had to work right.  The 2-wheel drive model was much easier to get to turn.   We used a scanning sensor on a servo to did sweeps to look for obstacles.  In comparison though the three sensors on the 4WD project did a…read more


This was our first home project making a robot.  We started this in March before we had a blog.  The concept was to create a wheeled device that could drive itself around the house similar to our Roomba. At first we used a webpage to control the direction. The we added sensors to detect the…read more